Snowball quilt progress report
I locked myself in the sewing room, but I didn’t quite get my snowball quilt top pieced. I do have the quilt center pieced into six sections, so I think one more work day will be enough to get it together. Maybe I’ll actually get this quilt on the bed this winter.
I’m really excited about the secondary star pattern that is forming when the nine patches are pieced next to the snowball blocks. I normally include sashing between my quilt blocks and while that makes for easy piecing, it takes away from the surprise patterns that pop up when you piece everything together.
I did buy a few more half yard cuts of blue, white and silver fabric for the border. I should have enough now so I don’t have to repeat a single fabric in the 36-block units I’ll be making for the border out of 2-inch squares.
What are you all working on?
OMG! I went online to see if the quilt I am working on has a specific name and ran across your quilt! I did the nine-patch quilt blocks and then tried to figure out where to take it from there and just stumbled onto the snowball pattern. And here you have it already!
I love the cool shades of blue you’re using, I am doing mine in a rainbow of color, so that the secondary start pattern probably won’t be as pronounced.
But so beautiful!
Could you please share the pattern