Dimensions Block of the Month Block 1 video tutorial

I am so excited to start the Dimensions Block of the Month with you! I have always wanted to design a block of the month quilt using ombre fabrics. They look so pretty on the bolt, but can be intimidating to work into a traditional quilt pattern.

With Dimensions, each month we will use one ombre fabric and one solid to complete the blocks. As you cut the strips apart like you would for any other quilt, you will automatically get an amazing range of color that makes you look like a rockstar when it comes to fabric selection.

For Block 1 I went all out. You kind of have to go over the top for the first block because it is the center of the quilt and you need it to have a big impact since it will be the focal point of the whole quilt.

In the video tutorial I will show you how to:

  • Cut the fabric apart so the colors change evenly throughout all your pieces
  • How to organize your fabrics to keep the squares organized in color order
  • How to sew stitch and flip flying geese
  • How to sew a square in a square
  • A special two-pinning technique for perfect piecing
  • How to sew and trim your triangle scraps for a special improve pieced pillow we will make at the end of the quilt

Dimensions Block of the Month begins in February 2018, and I am releasing this video early to get you excited about the pattern. If you would like to sign up to follow along with me, just click on the button below and sign up before January 31 2018!

Happy Quilting,

Stephanie Soebbing

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