Intro to Free Motion Quilting

Welcome to our Intro Free Motion Quilting series! We are so excited about this course so we can help give you the confidence to finish your quilts yourself on your  home sewing machine or longarm.

In the 28-video series we are going to teach you four basic quilting stitches using stencils to get your muscle memory down. Then we’ll teach you how to customize the stitches so you’ll have 18 different ways to quilt your tops, giving you an infinite number of combinations.

We’ll also have a show & tell for each quilt stitch to give you ideas how to use them on actual quilts, videos on how to use the stencils to mark your quilt, how to get started for the Quilt-As-You-Go and longarm machines, and how to assemble your samples into a Quilt-As-You-Go quilt if you are working on your domestic sewing machine.

We have created four reorderable quilt kits using solid fabrics from Northcott Colorworks. The richly colored fabrics are fabulous to work with, and it will make it very easy to see your stitches and make your stitching the star or the show.

Make sure you grab a stencil kit, which contains the four stencils and pounce pad we are using to learn the four basic stitches. And grab the quilt pattern, which is FREE with the purchase of any Free Motion Quilting Kit.

Intro Free Motion Quilting Videos

The Intro to Free Motion Quilting series kicks off on February 1, 2022. We will be adding videos here as we publish them. Make sure you download the Intro to Free Motion Quilt pattern, to make sure you receive links to all the new tutorials as they come out.

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