Last week we posted a video on how to alter any fabric mask pattern using elastic to one that uses ties. You can watch it here:
In that video I used a bias binding maker to get the ties prepped faster. Well, now the bias tape makers are all sold out at our distributor and we can’t get more for a while. So in today’s video I go over a bias binding hack that will allow you to make bias binding quickly and without a special tool.
So use this to keep stitching away and making as many masks as you can for our doctors and nurses, first responders, caregivers and critical workers keeping our grocery stores and gas stations running.
We are still giving out twist ties to use as makeshift nose clips. We have now given away more than 80,000 twist ties and we are so grateful all of you have stepped up to help in this time.
We have 120,000 more, but we are making 40,000 available at a time. That way we can fill all the orders quickly and you won’t be waiting, wondering when yours will ship. So if you click on this link and see that they are out of stock, please just join the wait list and you’ll get an email when we make more available in a few days:
Stay safe and Happy Quilting!
Check out more from Quilt Addicts Anonymous …
Online quilt shop:
Brick and mortar quilt shop: Quilt Addicts Anonymous, 3416 46th Ave., Suite 103, Rock Island, IL 61201
Music: Day of the Hopeful – Trabant 33 from Epidemic Sound
I enjoyed your biased tutorial. For me I tend to just fold and sew after cutting. I don’t like ironing that much lol
Thanks for all your tutorials on making face masks and supplying us with twist ties. Has anyone considered using chenille stems/pipe cleaners as a nose piece ? Using a needle nosed pliers to spiral about 1/4″ of each end of a 6.5″ length of a chenille stem back on itself would make the wire end safe.
We have not tried using them. If that’s what you have on hand and maybe try one. I’m not sure how secure you will be able to get uncovered end. I would suggest not putting them through the dryer as they are a thin wire. Thank you.
Can you tell me the approximate material needed to make each mask? I watched your tutorials but am still confused. Thank You!
The patterns we used can be found in the following links
Surgical Style Mask from Deaconess:
Mask with Replaceable Filter Pocket from Sewing Therapy:
Thank you.
I’m using garden wire (to train plants onto trellises) for my nose wire…..I fold the raw ends of the wire so it wont poke through the fabric. The wire is vinyl coated for outdoor use…..
This hack for making bias tape should receive a gold medal. I am part of a team making bias tape for the masks. It is a never ending job. I have used my ironing board to set up a large spaced row of 3 pins. AS a result I can now crank out bias tape 3x’s as fast as I was. I ordered a bias tape tool 2 weeks ago, but it has not arrived and I couldn’t wait. I make on average 25-40 yards a day. Bless you for sharing this wonderful trick. My community also thanks you.
Stephanie Thank you so much for your tutorials on making these masks. You made it so easy to follow what you were doing and sew along.Also
Thank you so much for the nose strips I have on order. I got an email yesterday saying they are being shipped. I have make both the elastic and ties. The bias tape really is a blessing!!!
Thanks for the great tip on making bias tape for the masks. Love your videos!
This is amazing! I’m making masks for my siblings who are essential workers as well as one for each adult for grocery shopping (our state has everyone in homemade masks). I ran out of elastic and bias tape and was dreading having to make bias tape and then I found this tutorial. In no time, I created a whole stack of ties. It’s the most pure engineering, simple and effective. Thank you!
Thank you for this awesome design. Do you still have any of the nose strips left? I could us about 20 but will settle for whatever you have left to share. I have used the ones the sewer makes from strips cut from disposable pie pans folded in thirds lengthwise and crimped 1/4 inch on the ends, but after much washing and handling those get permanent bends in them and no longer lie as smooth. I worry about pipe cleaners rusting and I cant get the crimped over ends to keep stay safely smooth. My best ones yet have been the crimpy strips from coffee bags, but I cant get enough of those.
You can order them for free with a small fee to cover shipping and handling at the link below. You MUST order on our website to receive them. We are not accepting orders placed via email due to the volume of requests.