Burst Block of the Month Blocks 1A & 1B

I am so excited about the Burst Block of the Month featuring Clothworks’ Fresh Batiks. This BOM has been in the works since October, so it is always exciting when it finally is released into the wold.

This six-month Block of the Month program includes six block designs that are not your typical star block. They are more like a funky log cabin with points. But you don’t need any fancy tools to make this quilt. If you can sew a half square triangle, you can do it.

For the first month, we are making four blocks in two colorways. So you’ll have two of Block 1A and two of Block 1B. These will form the very center of the quilt. The video is on the longish side because it is the first time we are working with a block construction like this one. But as you can see it isn’t too hard, you just have to keep double checking your points are going in the right direction.

I know I hammered it home in the video, but you really need the pattern book to make this quilt. You are really going to have a lot of trouble if you just watch the videos and try to figure out the math and point direction. This BOM took months to design and produce, so if like the design, get the book. It is less than the cost of three yards of fabric, and totally worth the time it will take you to figure it out on your own.

This BOM is offered in two colorways and the pattern book includes full color instructions for both colorways. We have already finished sign ups for kits, but you can get the book now and use stash, see if your local quilt shop has fabric, or sign up to be on a wait list for when we host a round two later this year. Just click here to add your name to the wait list.

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