Block 6
Alright, we’ve completed all the blocks for the center of the quilt and now it is time to get working on those corners.
First up is Block 6, which isn’t actually a block. It is actually a setting triangle, which will allow us to sew the corners together without sewing in on point.
From here on out we’re basically sewing half square triangles and putting them together in different combinations. It is the color changes that make it look complicated, not the piecing. So pay attention to this tutorial because we go pretty in depth into the half square triangle construction.
And don’t skip the step on trimming your half square triangles. It may seem like something small, but this will ensure all the half square triangles are the same size and your points are absolutely perfect.
One last tip, if you are doing this as a true BOM, and your Block 6s are going to be sitting around until the end of the year, consider sewing a stay stitching line an 1/8-inch away from the edge of the long side. That long side is on the bias, which means it can stretch if they are handled too much between now and the end of the year.
Stay stitching is normally used in garments to keep the proportions accurate on necklines and arm holes as you work with the fabric. But it can also be used in Block 6, so that it stays nice and square while you show it off to your friends or add more blocks to your box.
If you would like to follow along with the Kaleidoscope Block of the Month, just click here to get your pattern book over at