
The Kaleidoscope Block of the Month features Stonehenge Gradations by Northcott in the Kaleidoscope pattern designed by Stephanie Soebbing, pattern designer, blogger at QuiltAddictsAnonymous.com and Sit & Sew Radio podcast host. The color changes and 12 block designs make the pattern look difficult, but it can be accomplished by any quilter who can sew a half-square triangle.

You have to purchase the pattern book from Quilt Addicts Anonymous or your local quilt shop to participate in this block of the month program. Free video tutorials for all the blocks are coming soon.

Pattern Book

Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Block of the Month, Stonehenge Gradations, Northcott Fabrics, Block of the Month, Quilt Addicts Anonymous, Stephanie Soebbing

Block 8

Block 9

Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Block of the Month, Stonehenge Gradations, Northcott Fabrics, Block of the Month, Quilt Addicts Anonymous, Stephanie Soebbing

Block 10

Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Block of the Month, Stonehenge Gradations, Northcott Fabrics, Block of the Month, Quilt Addicts Anonymous, Stephanie Soebbing

Block 11

Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Block of the Month, Stonehenge Gradations, Northcott Fabrics, Block of the Month, Quilt Addicts Anonymous, Stephanie Soebbing

Block 12

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