How to sew a mitered border

How to sew a mitered border

I just LOVE a good mitered border. This is the king of all borders in my opinion, reserved for the most striking patterns and fabrics. I choose to use a mitered border for two reasons: The quilt is put together on point and it would just look weird to all of a sudden have a […]
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12 Makes of Christmas Swirls & Curls

I love the Swirls & Curls stencil from Full Line Stencil. The design is really versatile, making it great for lots of quilts, but on holiday quilts it looks like swirling snow! This stitch is great for someone who has done some free motion quilting, and is ready to try something a little more challenging. […]
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Patchwork Pillow Piping #SHORTS

#SHORTS DIY cording is the easiest way to class-up your handmade throw pillows and it’s not hard. Watch how we create enough custom piping for two pillows from one fat quarter. Check out the full tutorial, grab a kit and the pattern on our website! Get the kit: Get the pattern:
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Patchwork Pillow Buttons and Buttonholes #SHORTS

#SHORTS I know, buttons & buttonholes are VERY intimidating. But once you know how to use the specialty feet for your sewing machine, they’re super easy because your machine does all the work. Check out the full tutorial, grab a kit and the pattern on our website! Get the kit: Get the pattern:
Kaleidoscope Block 4

Kaleidoscope Block 4

The Kaleidoscope Block of the Month features Stonehenge Gradations by Northcott in the Kaleidoscope pattern designed by Stephanie Soebbing, pattern designer, blogger at and Sit & Sew Radio podcast host. The color changes and 12 block designs make the pattern look difficult, but it can be accomplished by any quilter who can sew a […]
Mini BOM August 2017

Mini BOM August 2017

This Mini Block of the Month pattern was created just for those quilters who don’t want to commit to a full year-long BOM, or don’t have the budget to purchase the fabric for a king-sized quilt. If you fit into either of those categories, then the Quilt Addicts Anonymous Mini BOM 2016 is for you. […]