In flight entertainment

Most people take a good book with them to occupy themselves during a flight. I take a small sewing project.

I took my dragonfly wall hanging with when my husband and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. I finished the top during the MANY hours we spent in the air, but haven’t worked on it since. That is until I started to get ready for a flight to Washington, D.C., for my cousin’s wedding later in the week.

Last weekend I cleared off the kitchen table (no small task as it is usually covered with my sewing supplies) to layer and baste the wall hanging.

I’m going to practice my fine hand quilting on this project, which is appropriate because the wall hanging as a whole was a practice run for the Hawaiian quilting method so I could work out the kinks before using the applique method on fabric I bought in Hawaii. It isn’t perfect, but I’m pleased with the way it turned out.

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