Preserving memories with a T-shirt quilt

I’ve been working a lot on T-shirt quilts recently. I had a bunch of shirts from my sorority days in college that I don’t wear anymore. I didn’t want to toss them, but I also don’t have the space to store them all, so I decided re-purposing them as a quilt was the best option.

I started it a couple of months ago, but got distracted with other projects. Last night I finished the sashing on another T-shirt quilt I’m making for a client and spent the free time finishing the top of my own quilt.

It contains 16 shirts and is 63-inches square. The sashing is done in my sorority colors. I remember being surprised that I only had one T-shirt that was red when I went through them. I originally thought I was going to have a very difficult time matching reds together.

There were a couple shirts that had sayings on them that would have looked funny as a 12-inch square, but worked perfectly as sashing. I really like the way it turned out.

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Comment (3)

  1. Absolutely love it! I've wanted to do the exact same thing with my sorority t-shirts! So jealous…

  2. Steph, this quilt is fabulous!!! You've really got a great business here! And, I'd love to be your next customer, and do the same with my COG shirts! Let me pull hem out of storage in the rafters, and I'll be in touch!!!


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