Finished quilts of 2011

There was a baby boom among my friends and family this year, so 2011, was the year of the baby quilt and stash busting.

There was the alphabet baby quilt for my friend Shelly’s first child. We know each other from book club, so I thought this panel that I already had in my stash was perfect.

Then there was a quilt for Rachel, who I’ve been friend’s with since Jr. High. She waited to find out the sex of the baby until he arrived, so I had a challenge finding gender neutral fabric, which also came from my stash.

Next up was my nephew. My in-laws are BIG Illini fans, and I’ve made my fair share of Illni-themed quilts, so I wanted to make something for him that was in the school colors, but didn’t scream Illini. This quilt was made with left over material from a queen-sized Illini quilt I made my husband.

I also made this quilt on commission in ONE WEEK. The fabric also came from my stash and went to a mom who didn’t know the sex of the baby, so it too was gender-neutral.

But my favorite quilt of the year is one I donated to K9 Kindness Rescue, Inc. The rescue was able to raise more than $300 by selling raffle tickets for the quilt which, you guessed it, was made from my stash.

I designed the pattern and would like to make one for myself in purple and green. And believe it or not the only time I cut a triangle was for the setting triangles and corners. the rest of the blocks were made using a technique that makes for easy piecing and no stretch triangle units. Maybe I’ll do a quilt-a-long of this pattern in 2012 on the blog.

And this isn’t a quilt, but I had to include it because this cow bathrobe for my niece is too stinking cute to leave out.

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Comment (4)

  1. Great work, I also love the donation quilt and would be intersted in buying the pattern. I discovered you via G+, which I’ve recently fallen in love with for its photography groups, but I’d love to connect with other textile tragics. I might try to organise something…… (knowing me, it will take forever!)

    1. Thanks for your kind words. What is your Google+ url so I can add you to my circles? I’ll have to make a second version of that quilt and write down the pattern when I make it again. Maybe I’ll tackle that project next.


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