Stash too big? Donate to Quilts of Valor

About a month ago I watched a program on Iowa Public Television about the Quilts of Valor Under Our Wings program. The program connects experienced quilters with men and women who have never sewed before to make a quilt for a veteran.

I don’t come from a military family, but I just cried throughout the entire episode I was so moved. I’m the Community Education Chair for the Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild so I asked the members if they would be interested in taking on such a project. The answer was yes, so now I’m in the midst of a very fast planning process to make this happen on Memorial Day weekend.

Right now the biggest task is to find local businesses to sponsor quilts and get quilters to go through their stash to find red, white and blue fabric they’d be willing to donate to the cause. My goal is to make 30 quilts for veterans, but we will make as many quilts as we have sponsors and donated fabric for.

It’s a big undertaking, but I have a lot of help from other members of my guild who are as enthusiastic about the project as I am.

And if you’ve been looking for an excuse to trim down your stash and would like to donate, comment on this article and I’ll send you an email with my address so you can send fabric to be used to make quilts for veterans.

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  1. We have donated to several Quilts of Valor projects. Some groups will take any fabric, not just red, white & blue. You might get more fabric donations if there are no color restrictions. The most touching story I have heard was about a soldier who got his choice of quilts. The one he chose was primarily pink. When asked why, he said that he wants to curl up under it with his daughter and she likes pink. Something to think about.


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