700 inches of binding

BOM 2014

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the longarm lately. Thanks to my newfound flexibility in scheduling, I’ve been able to spend one day a week at Quilting By-You in Bettendorf, Iowa, renting time on a longarm to finally finish up some quilt tops.

Two weeks ago I finished quilting one of my two 2014 Block of the Month Quilts. Then today I loaded my newest, not-yet-released pattern on the longarm, the Five-Hour Bed Quilt. The quilt uses a layer cake and yardage to create a pattern that is super simple and fast to put together. Since I didn’t want to spend more time quilting it than I did putting it together, I chose a simple, allover meander pattern and finished this puppy in just two hours. I think that may be a record for me. Normally I get a little crazy with my quilting you know, lots of dense patterns, multiple color changes, complicated stuff.

Five-hour bed quilt05

But now I have not one, but two bed sized quilts that need binding, my least favorite step in the quilting process. And I have 700 inches to stitch. I know I could make it go faster by sewing the binding down by machine, but I prefer the look of hand stitched binding, even if I don’t like to do it. I foresee a Netflix marathon in my future.

What’s your least favorite part of the quilting process?

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Comment (11)

  1. Right now, my least favorite part is block trimming, currently half square triangles are under the cutter. It will make the next steps go better but is not so fun to do.

  2. I just finished quilting over 25 quilts on a long arm mostly double size and then had to do all the binding as well. I will never let them pile up like that again…but I got them finished.

  3. I love designing an piecing. I get lost in keeping that quarter inch seam allowance perfect.

  4. binding is my least favourite part of quilting, really and truly I hate it, it seems like I am never coming to the end……

  5. BINDING!!! I hate hand work, so applique is done with my sewing machine or fused and I quilt the dickens out of it! If I could find someone who did AWESOME hand work on the binding, I would willingly trade it for longarm quilting!!

  6. I hate binding. It is the worst part for me, since I have problems with the right side of my body, do the binding kills me.

  7. I hate basting the layers! My fingers and knees and butt hurt for days after. I probably should find another way than pin basting on the floor. :-/

  8. Hi
    My least favourite part of quilt making is squaring my blocks. Personally I like putting the binding on as it means the quilt will nearly be finished. I do enjoy hand sewing so while my husband watching car programmes on TV I sit and sew bindings down, hand applique, some embroidery. I have recently taken up hand pieceing again.

  9. I love doing bindings! My least favorite part is putting on the borders. I love the hand stitching part, along with the actual design/picking out the fabric. Too bad I can’t tackle that 700 inches for you!

  10. My least favorite part of quilt making is squaring up blocks or sections of a block. However, it is a must so I think of the end result. Blocks and pieces that go together the way they should and everything matches up perfectly.

  11. I hate the basting part and try to hurry through it. I never use enough pins. I love the binding part, its relaxing & exciting, you are almost done another masterpiece. I have also just recently learned how to do it properly so maybe after a few quilts I will no longer be as excited by it


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