5 sewing room organization hacks

I just ordered the final piece of furniture for my new sewing studio/office. Its a bookshelf for holding my quilt kits before they’re sold and some of my fabric stash. There’s no way all of it would fit in there.

So in celebration of being almost done with my newly organized space, I decided to share some of the best sewing room organization tips I could find on the interwebs. These are the tips I used when deciding how to make the best use of my tiny space. I hope you enjoy them, and if you have one that isn’t mentioned here, share it in the comments. I’m sure everyone would love to read it.

Source: HoneyBearLane.com

Make use of vertical space

Your square footage isn’t the only thing that matters. Think of how you can make use of the wall space as well when organizing your sewing supplies. HoneyBearLane.com has a great example of how you can storeĀ a good deal of craft supplies using an extra large pegboard. The best part, it looks neat and you’re never rummaging through doors and boxes to find the tool you’re looking for.

Source: TwoMoreSeconds.com

Use DVD towers for fabric storage

OK, DVDs and CDs may be going the way of the dinosaur thanks to iTunes, Netflix and a whole host of other digital media sharing sites. But the DVD shelving unitsĀ are still around, and you probably can find them for a steal at a garage sale or Craiglist. Look for a sturdy wood model and if the finish doesn’t fit your aesthetics, just paint it. Ikea also has a version that you can purchase for under $50. Here’s a link.

Source: IAlwaysPickTheThimble.com

Display your stash as art

If you have open storage, display your fabric stash as art by using I Always Pick The Thimble’s guide to perfect fabric folding every time. She dubs her method as “the right way to fold fabric.” I’m pretty hesitant when someone claims they have the right way to do something, as there are usually several right ways to do something in quilting. But her method does make for a sharp looking fabric stash display and it works for any size shelving unit. Click here to check it out.

Source: HyacinthQuiltDesigns.blogspot.dk

Display your quilts in a glass door cabinet

I don’t have room for this right now, but it is on my bucket list. This cabinet solves the issue of wanting to have your quilts on display, wanting to keep them free of dust. With a glass door cabinet you can arrange them neatly to show off all your work, while keeping them protected. I just love how all the colors pop against the white in this example. Just a tip though, while the quilts are protected from dust, they are not protected from light, so you’ll want to keep the cabinet in an area that does not receive direct sunlight. You’ll also want to make sure you choose a cabinet that has a proper sealant over the wood, as placing fabric against wood for a long period of time can cause damage.

Source: TheTrendyTreehouse.blogspot.com

Organize notions by color and put them on display

I love this example of organizing buttons by color and displaying them in tiny glass jars. We all have odds and ends like this floating around in our sewing studios. Whether it is thread, scraps of fabric, buttons, zippers, bias tape, you name it, it will look better if you organize it by color and put it on display. For a neat look, purchase eight identical containers, one for each color of the rainbow plus black and white, fill them up by color and put them on display for all to see.

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Comment (2)

  1. Great ideas. My husband recently had an accident and became paralyzed. He couldn’t get in my sewing room with his wheelchair and so I had to do some real organizing. I have a lot of doorways and windows so wall space is limited, but in every possible place we put up shelves. On those shelves are clear plastic tubs marked with the kinds of fabric as well as some large boxes. Under the longest and highest shelf is a closet rod with fabric hanging on it. I have organized by type of fabric or the group of coordinating quilt fabrics. It really helps me see what I have and looks really neat.


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