Tutorials584 Videos

Sewing room organization tips

I have been on a de-cluttering, cleaning and organizing kick since I got back from holiday travels. This is really a must-do action when one has a toddler and said toddler makes out like a bandit at Christmas. So far I’ve made it through both bedrooms, two of three closets (one of which has now […]

February Block of the Month

Sorry for the delay in getting the February BOM out. My daughter came down with croup Thursday night. She’s fine but the whole house was pretty sleep deprived and I got behind on the video for this month’s instructions. This month we are making 28, six-inch blocks that will surround the 18-inch blocks we made last […]
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Valentine’s Mug Rug FREE Pattern!

We know you all love a good mug rug pattern so we came up with a FREE Valentine’s Mug Rug Pattern that you can make with scraps. We also have a limited supply of kits available. The pattern is free to download so you can get to work right away. This is a great small […]

How to silk-dye Easter eggs

Note: This post was originally written in March 2016 and was updated in March 2018 to include a video tutorial. In the intervening years my daughter grew old enough to help with the task, so I had her on as a special guest to help me show you all how to silk dye Easter eggs. […]

March Block of the Month

I hope you all got your February blocks done! I was working on mine until 10 p.m. last night. I finished just in time. This month is much easier. We’re putting together the center medallion with some tips and tricks on how to get those points to match up just so. But the main part […]

T-shirt quilt tutorial: Binding

Here are the final videos in the How to Make a T-shirt Quilt series. The first video focuses on preparing the binding and sewing it to the top of your quilt with a sewing machine. The second shows you how to stitch the binding to the back of the quilt by hand using an invisible […]