Sewing room organization tips

I have been on a de-cluttering, cleaning and organizing kick since I got back from holiday travels. This is really a must-do action when one has a toddler and said toddler makes out like a bandit at Christmas.

So far I’ve made it through both bedrooms, two of three closets (one of which has now been converted to a quilt closet) and the kitchen. I still have the living room and dining room table, which is once again covered in sewing room overflow.

But as I packed up items for storage or Goodwill, I thought that it would be great time to share some of the tips I use in organizing my sewing space. At just 9 x 12 feet this tiny space has to function as a sewing studio, Quilt Addicts Anonymous HQ and a shipping and receiving center. As I write this there are seven boxes behind me filled with 350 pounds of fabric for the 2016 BOM kits that are ready to ship out on Friday. With so much going on in such a small space, I had to be really smart about how I organized my fabric and notions to pack as much in as possible, without looking like a hoarder.

So in today’s video I bring you the top four tips I use to keep my space neat, functional and pretty. As you’ll see in the video, furniture selection is really important when you’re working in a small space that has to look good, function and be able to store as much fabric, notions and sewing odds and ends as possible.

There are lots of options out there for sewing room furniture, but I did promise to share links to the pieces I bought for my room. They’re both in the mid-range for sewing furniture pricing, which means they’re made from MDF and not real wood, but they work really well for my space and budget. Just click on the photos below to check out the furniture I chose for my sewing studio.


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Comment (5)

  1. My sewing room is only 8×8 and one wall has a slanted ceiling so storage etc. Is very challenging. My New Years resolution was to clean and organize the room and fabric. Now my add on resolution is to use some of the fabric I have before I buy more!!

  2. The organization in this video is not good in my world. One or two ideas are OK but their is no real organization. Her fabric is scattered in too many places. It would be a scavenger hunt trying to find things. I need more practicality than cute and less stuff hidden in disarray tucked in little boxes.

  3. Great video Stephanie! I no longer have a dedicated sewing room, but will still be able to use a couple of your ideas. Thank you !

  4. I just found your very nice video on fabric storage. My question is how did you bolt your thread holder to the wall. I’ve been moving mine all over to keep it handy and no luck as to how to bolt it on the wall. I’ve tried hooks etc and no luck. I also have a 1/2 a bedroom for a sewing room and found your video very helpful.


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