Hanging Garden Pattern and Paper Piecing video tutorial

Hanging Garden Pattern and Paper Piecing video tutorial

Stephanie Soebbing shows you how to paper piece a more complicated pattern in this video tutorial. Learn step-by-step with three cameras so you always get the best view and can master this fun technique. Showcase your favorite fabrics in this sweet wall hanging developed with Shell Rummel to feature her fabric line Bloom Beautiful. Hanging […]
Demo Day – Paper Piecing 101

Demo Day – Paper Piecing 101

Quilt Addicts Anonymous celebrated the first anniversary of opening its brick and mortar shop with a big event with free demos every hour. We filmed the demos so you can watch and join in the fun even if you couldn’t attend. In this demo Stephanie Soebbing goes through paper piecing step by step, showing you […]

Dare to DIY: Deck the halls

I had a sewing marathon last weekend. I spent most of the time working on Christmas presents and my Christmas fabric exchange quilt. I still haven’t started the Christmas stockings for my family. So I’ll share photos of the paper-pieced tree skirt I made for the Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild tree at the Festival of […]
QAA BOM 2016 February

QAA BOM 2016 February

This is the start of a brand new block of the month from Quilt Addicts Anonymous. We are using an alternative grid layout with different sized blocks. The first features an 18-inch star pattern, made with paper piece and half-square triangles. Free printable instructions are available at this link: http://www.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/block-of-the-month-2016/