Must-have notion: Machingers Quilting Gloves

I’m not going to recommend a product on this blog unless I really love it and couldn’t imagine quilting without it. Machingers Quilting Gloves definitely fit that description. The gloves are made from a lightweight, breathable fabric so you won’t get sweaty hands while you’re quilting. But what makes these gloves absolutely essential for quilting […]

Stash too big? Donate to Quilts of Valor

About a month ago I watched a program on Iowa Public Television about the Quilts of Valor Under Our Wings program. The program connects experienced quilters with men and women who have never sewed before to make a quilt for a veteran. I don’t come from a military family, but I just cried throughout the […]
How to make a pillowcase with French seams

How to make a pillowcase with French seams

Learn how to make a pillowcase using your favorite novelty fabric, sport team, cartoon character or just fabric leftovers to match your latest quilt. Stephanie Soebbing from breaks down the process and uses a French seam, which encloses all edges so you don’t need a serger and your pillowcase will look more professional than […]