Read this before you buy a sewing machine – Top brands, cost and features you need for quilting

I am always being asked what to look for when buying a sewing machine on YouTube and in our shop, Quilt Addicts Anonymous in Rock Island, IL. So this video goes over absolutely everything you need to know about buying a sewing machine for quilting.

I go over the features and accessories you need if you want to use it for quilting, brands that are good and have sewing machines at a variety of price points so you can get a great machine no matter what your budget, the importance of buying from a local quilt shop or sewing machine repair shop vs. a big box store, and how much $$$ you need to spend to get a good machine.

This video is not sponsored and I did not receive anything free or a special deal that is featured in the video. I also do not sell sewing machines in my quilt shop. These are just my honest opinions formed from my own experiences and from watching students struggle with less than ideal machines in my quilting classes.

The video is on the longer side, but it truly covers pretty much everything you need to know about buying a sewing machine for the first time or when you are looking to upgrade. I hope this helps and happy quilting!

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Comment (3)

  1. Hi,

    My 9 year old granddaughter has had two sewing lessons and now has a real interest in learning more. She has asked for a sewing machine for a Christmas present and as I know very little about sewing machines I wonder could someone please suggest one to choose for her. I don’t know if she will continue with sewing so I want to not spend too much money and yet want to get one that works well so she doesn’t become frustrated. Help, please. Thank you.

    Barbara Harris

  2. thanks for an amazing post with full of information in it. we can now easily make a choice around the price, cost and the quality and performance of the machines. thanks a lot


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