Stunning Christmas tree skirt in batiks

I LOVE batiks. I can’t get enough of them. So I was in heaven when the benefactor for the Mississippi Valley Quilt Guild suggested buying fabric from to make Judy Niemeyer’s Christmas Celebration Tree Skirt.

The benefactor business, Quilting By-You in Bettendorf, Iowa, is purchasing the fabric and donating the quilting for the tree skirt. They put in an order yesterday for the three prints I picked out to create the stunning paper-pieced design with.

I’ve got my fingers crossed that the fabric will come in before I go to a Quilt Retreat later this week so I can cut and piece the top while I spend four glorious days doing nothing but sewing and quilting.

But before I can start I have to find syntropol, a special detergent that helps remove excess dye and prevent color bleeding so I can pre-wash the batiks before I sew. So far I’ve been to two fabric shops and two grocery stores and have had no luck. The closest I came was finding a Rit Dye Fixative which is supposed to stop color bleeding.

If I can’t find something that will work soon, I may just have to order syntropol online and wait to make the tree skirt until I get back from retreat.

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