Virtual Shop Hop: Pieceful Gathering, Fox River Grove, Ill.

If you like Civil War reproduction fabrics, then you must plan a trip to Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop in Fox River Grove, a suburb of Chicago.

The store specializes in reproduction fabrics, stocking the entire first floor of a converted house with them.

I was in love with the collection of double pinks and purchased a few half-yards of my favorites. I think I might use them in a signature quilt.

And do you recognize that blue and white quilt hanging on the wall? That’s because it was featured in the December issue of American Patchwork and Quilting.

You can find the fabric line the quilt was made from at Pieceful Gathering to make one for yourself.

I always love finding out what quilting techniques and trends are popular in different areas of the country when I do these virtual shop hop posts. In the northwest Chicago suburbs, hand dyed wool seems to be all the rage. You can get a very pretty stash going with what is available at Pieceful Gathering.

And if you think Civil War reproduction fabrics are OK, but the 1930s are more your cup of tea, there is a little alcove that will suite your fancy.

This really doesn’t have anything to do with fabric, but I thought I’d share an image of the calendar at Pieceful Gathering. They glued buttons onto magnets to hold up announcements. I think this is an adorable idea and would make a good handmade gift for the sewing enthusiast in your life.

Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop is located at 106 Northwest Highway, Fox River Grove, Ill. While you’re there, you might want to check out A Touch of Amish, which is a nine minute drive away in Barrington, Ill. I’ll give you a preview of that store in tomorrow’s Virtual Shop Hop post.

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