Block a Day roundup – Week 8

We continued our productive trend this week, by completing 82 blocks, 1 top and two quilts for the Block A Day Challenge. Keep of the good work ladies.

You’ve got five more days to post photos of your blocks, tops and quilts completed in February to the Block A Day Flickr group to win this month’s prize, a copy of “Free-Motion Quilting Made Easy” by Eva A. Larkin.

Each block counts as one entry, completed tops get you 10 entries and finished quilts will earn you 20 entries.

I wanted to share more photos but some of you have changed your photo sharing setting so that I am not able to grab the HTML embed code to post them here and link back to your Flickr stream. To enable sharing, make sure your photos are not restricted and the “Share This” option is turned on. Here’s a link to more instructions on making sure your photos can be shared.

Now onto the virtual show and tell of what we completed this week.

Lady Liberty Block

Checkerboard Star 8"

Green goose

quilt guild block

Sew Out Loud, block #1

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Comment (6)

  1. I am hoping to have a quilt top finished for tomorrow. I didn’t post pics of the individual blocks..because I just didn’t want to stop sewing! Will they still count inidividually also? I guess I can take pics of them in the strips right now….


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