I’m going through quilt retreat withdrawal

I spent last Thursday through Sunday at quilt retreat and now I miss it. I look forward to the semi-annual retreat for months. It’s a great opportunity to make a lot of progress on quilts. I finished 10 blocks on my New York Beauty Christmas quilt, finished piecing the top for the class sample for my Triangle Boot Camp class and sewed one cloth diaper.

But what makes quilt retreat fun isn’t all the sewing, although that helps. It’s the company you have while you’re sewing. I love the Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild. Its members are talented, opinionated, and a lot of fun to spend a long weekend with.

There was laughing, gossip and regrets over serving refried beans for dinner – there seriously was a symphony of snores and farts in the sleeping quarters when I finally went to bed that night at 3 a.m. There used to be a snoring room and a non-snoring room. But it turns out that a lot of people who think they don’t snore are actually quite loud. I don’t snore, but I do carry on conversations in my sleep. One time my husband was mad at me one morning because I had one hell of an argument with him in my sleep. I seriously have no recollection of the disagreement.

My aunt came to this quilt retreat. We live about three hours apart, and I didn’t start quilting until long after I moved away from home, so we had never gotten to sew together before last weekend. We had a lot of fun and she fit right in with the gregarious and occasionally sassy personalities of the retreat regulars.

There is also a fabric fairy that visits the retreats. Usually we find gifts of fabric and notions at our sewing stations that magically appear while we’re all occupied with a meal. But this time we had three fabric leprechauns.

Since I returned from quilt retreat I’ve sewed a grand total of three burp cloths and I only had the company of my dogs taking turns laying down on the quilted dog bed in my sewing room. I miss retreat already and can’t wait for the next one in October.

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Comment (3)

  1. I am already counting down the months. Also determined that i really under cut for my black and white quilt….lesson learned…don’t have cut late at night. 🙂

  2. Your quilt in the photo is beautiful – as is your aunt’s. Do you know the name of the pattern of her quilt ? I love the elegant simplicity of it

    1. I don’t but I will ask. I know it came from a magazine. I was joking that she should get a commission for selling them, because there were a few women at retreat who wanted to buy a copy after seeing her quilt. She put the whole top together in an afternoon. It was really quick.


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