Sewing room disaster update
I’ve been working on cleaning out my sewing room. I’m not done but I’ve made progress. Now you can see the floor, not that the floor is pretty. Replacing the flooring throughout the first floor is next on my DIY home improvement list.
I also can close the closet door now. So while I still have quilt a bit of work to do, the sewing room is looking a lot better than it did last week.
My husband did the laundry, I know he’s a keeper. And I worked on finding a place for all the random stuff that ended up in the sewing room because it didn’t have a home of its own.
I still have some work to do before I can sew in there. I may have gone a little overboard buying sweaters from Goodwill to make upcycled sweater mittens. You don’t realize how many you’ve bought when you only buy $20 worth at a time. Then all of a sudden you have piles of them.
There are even more in the closet, so I need to pick up some tubs to keep them in for now. Then I’m going to have to actually turn them into sweater mittens, post them to my Etsy shop and sign up for some craft fairs next fall so I can sell some.
My pull-out couch which doubles as a guest bed is still covered in quilts that are almost done and clothes that need to be put away. Once I get the sweaters out of the closet and into tubs, the quilts can go in there until I get a chance to work on them.
Check out the links below to see photos of some of your sewing rooms.
@SSoebbing mine is also pretty bad. twitter.com/hltoad/status/…
— Heather Berg (@hltoad) March 1, 2012
@SSoebbing Our sewing and #quilting room, picture taken 2 minutes ago after reading your blog. Bev hates messes! twitter.com/QuiltTemplates…
— QuiltTemplates&More (@QuiltTemplatesM) March 1, 2012
Oh Stephanie, I think you need help. You need to make a list of what needs to be done and start checking things off. For me that means, I can not start something new until I get things done and crossed off my list. I have been wanting to cut a quilt out to take with me, The laundry has to be done, ironed and put away before I can start. That way the Laundry gets done.
That sounds like a good plan. Although I think I need a list for my whole life, not just quilting projects. 🙂 I tend take on too much and am always busy.
I make a list out every Monday morning for each day of the week and list everything I need to do each day. Then I cross off as things get done.
I think I’ve cleaned and re-organized my craft room (I hesitate to call it my sewing room because I’ve also been suckered into scrapbooking/paper craft) no less than 3 times in the last 2 years. Each time it gets a little better. I’m hoping that the current one will be the last one for a while. 🙂 We’ll have to see how that goes….. Otherwise, one load of laundry a day keeps Mount Washmore away. Takes a little bit to get started but then it’s so easy to keep up with that. Otherwise if you are looking for good routines – I love flylady.com
I’ve heard about her before. I think I need to check it out to find better ways to stay on top of everything. 🙂
She is pretty good, and lots of positive vibes. The premise is that you can do anything for 15 minutes and if you start her “program”, and I use that term loosely, you’ll build up routines so that they stick rather than trying to do everything at once. I’ve followed her for a while, but I’m not perfect on the routines. I’ve kinda picked and chose what I like and use that which has helped me but also kind of defeats the purpose of getting those routines established. Good luck!
I just shined my sink 🙂