Another UFO down!

Chevron quilt, half square triangles,

One of the gals in my sit-n-sew was expecting her first child and trying to start and finish a chevron baby quilt before the little guy arrived. She was already in the third trimester.

So the rest of the Next Generation Sit-n-Sew (we’re all in our 20s and 30s) decided we’d make one for her. We all made half square triangles using navy prints in our stash and Kona white. Since every quilters 1/4-inch seam is a little different, we all used the method of making half square triangles from squares so we’d be able to trim them to the same size. That meant I could assemble the quilt top and it would lie flat without much fuss. It’s a great technique for group quilts.

But that was a year ago … and the quilt top just hung in my sewing room closet, with the batting and backing all ready to go for a year.

I know. I have a problem. That’s why this year I’m trying to finish as many UFOs as possible. This quilt makes three so far this year.

Chevron quilt, half square triangles,

But I finally took the top over to Quilting By You, rented time on the long arm machine there and knocked out the quilting in 90 minutes. Seriously, 90 minutes … why did I wait a whole year to do a 90 minute project? I told you, I have a problem.

Then another member of our sit-n-sew bound the quilt, or it would have taken another year to get done, and we finally presented it just before the little guy’s first birthday.

What UFOs have you been putting off finishing?

chevron quilt, half square triangle,

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Comment (2)

  1. I love this quilt so much! Thank you again for the thoughtfulness. What a wonderful surprise and a true heirloom for us!

    I posted about this today and didn’t even realize you had posted about it. Geez. I”m out of it!


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