It’s growing!

Maple leaf log cabin,

I started a new quilt a little less than three weeks ago when I took a class from Marti Michell.

Normally it takes me FOREVER to make quilts. Usually because I have Quilters ADD and can’t focus on one project long enough to make any real progress. The Superman quilt I decided to make on a whim last weekend is a perfect example. But somehow the maple leaf log cabin keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Maple leaf log cabin,

I’ve already got 20 blocks done and there are eight more laid out and ready to sew when I get off work tonight. For those of you keeping score at home, or are just following me on Twitter or Instagram, know that means I’m approaching the halfway point for a king-sized quilt.

The very idea that I could start and finish a king-sized quilt in less than two months just blows my mind.

I think I owe the progress to Marti Michell’s log cabin construction method, which calls for making four blocks at a time. That means I can easily make four blocks in one night, providing instant gratification. I find this method much more motivating than piecing dozens of little parts for weeks on end until a block starts to appear.

Maple leaf log cabin,

I do have a problem though that may slow down my progress … I’m running out of fabric.

I seriously never thought I’d write those words. After all, I have an entire room dedicated to quilting and my stash. But green and brown are not my typical fabrics to collect, and at the pace I’m going, I’ll use all mine up in less than a week.

The good news is this is a scrappy quilt, so it won’t be a difficult to find more fabrics that will work with the ones I bought a few years ago when I first got the idea to make a log cabin maple leaf quilt. But I think I’m going to try to hold out until my husband and I go to Wisconsin over the Fourth of July. I know I can find exactly what I need in the Green Bay quilt shops that each have an obligatory country woods section. And let’s be honest, a vacation just isn’t complete without a trip to a quilt shop or two.

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