Virtual Shop Hop: My Favorite Quilt Shop, Green Bay, Wisconsin

My Favorite Quilt Shop, Green Bay, Wisconsin,

There are two kinds of quilt shops. One that is spread out with more floor space than fabric, and then there are ones that pack as much fabric as possible. My Favorite Quilt Shop in Green Bay Wisconsin is the latter.

It’s not that My Favorite Quilt Shop is small. There is ample space and multiple rooms filled with all kinds and colors of quilting fabric. Here’s a sampling of what you can expect.

My Favorite Quilt Shop, Green Bay, WI,

There’s a drool-worthy selection of batiks that takes up an entire wall of one room. You’ll also find a rainbow of quilters flannels, enough black and white fabrics to create an entire quilt and an entire room of children’s and novelty prints. I picked up a couple yards of Superman fabric for the back of the quilt I’m making my husband.

My Favorite Quilt Shop, Green Bay, Wisconsin,

And it wouldn’t be a Wisconsin quilt shop without some natural fabric and landscape prints. I always love seeing these prints because they aren’t popular where I live. That’s one of the best parts of checking out quilt shops when you travel, finding new fabrics that aren’t available near you.

My Favorite Quilt Shop, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Australian Fabric,

Speaking of fabrics you can’t get just anywhere, My Favorite Quilt Shop has a collection of fabrics from Australia. I really like the tribal prints on the right.

To learn more about My Favorite Quilt Shop, check out their website, or visit the shop at 1550 Dousman St., Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Quilt shops near My Favorite Quilt Shop

Quilters Connection

Quilt Divas

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