Pretty girls and little dresses

Angela Sundress

I took June off as a kind of maternity leave from the blog, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been sewing. Angela is on a pretty predictable schedule, which means I’m able to get some sewing in during her naps.

That’s when I whipped up this cute little dress for Angela. It’s a little big on her still, but it made for the perfect sundress during our annual family vacation to Wisconsin. It also has matching bloomers and a hat, but the hat is far too large to use until next year.

Angela Sundress

I think I’m going to be branching out into garment construction much more now that I have a little girl. I’m saving for a serger to finish the seams, but for now I’ve been using other finishing techniques like French seams.

I know that sounds hard and fancy, but really it is pretty easy. You just sew the fabric with the wrong sides together using a quarter-inch seam. Then trim the seam down to an eighth of an inch. Press the seam so that the right sides of the fabric are now together and sew the seam again using a three-eighths-inch seam allowance. Then you’ve enclosed the raw edges and stuck to the five-eighths seam allowance required for garments.

The French seam also works great for making pillowcases to match your quilts.

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Comment (1)

  1. Enjoy her all you can while she is little. I swear they grow overnight! I have 5 grand children now and sew for them and one grand daughter interested in learning to sew with Grandma. She was fascinated by stitching on my treadle machine. 🙂


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