Nap time quilting

Nap time quilting.  It’s a popular pastime among quilting moms, there are even entire blogs dedicated to it. And now I’m one of the nap time quilters cramming as much into nap times as possible.

It’s amazing what you can get done when you know there’s only and hour, maybe two to finish it in. Last weekend I managed to straighten up the house, do five loads of laundry, breastfeed at every feeding, have playtime after and finish six large quilt blocks and 18 small ones.

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I was feeling pretty proud of myself when I nearly got caught up on the Block of the Month. Yes, you’re not the only one who gets behind on those. I had some May, June and July blocks to finish. Basically I’ve been behind since I gave birth.

I was hoping to get the first pieced border together for both quilts and sewed on, but Angela turned into a little crabby pants as soon as I got one side put together. Apparently she had cooperated long enough, which was plenty for an eight-week-old.

If I can manage to keep up that level of productivity on the weekends, then I just might have hope of staying caught up, finally finishing the nursery decor sewing and just maybe finishing my Christmas New York Beauty in time for my guild’s quilt show in September. We’ll see on that last one.

When do you find time to quilt?

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Comment (2)

  1. Glad you have found time to quilt! Nap time is a great time to get things done. I typically set aside nap time on the weekends as me time to quilt. Enjoy it!

  2. From a concerned Grandma! While it’s lovely to hear how productive you’ve been, and I’m sure you feel very fulfilled by it, just remember nap time for little ones is also nap time for you! Angela’s mum needs her sleep too, and with your little angel only eight weeks old, I’m sure you’re not having an uninterrupted eight hours at night! Just remember to take care of yourself as well xx


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