Virtual Shop Hop: Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts, South Amana, Iowa

Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts, Amana Colonies, Iowa

Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts is one of two quilt shops located in the historic Amana Colonies in Iowa, not far from I-80. At first we thought this stop was a bust. The first floor is filled with gifts and tchotchkes, the kind of thing you buy on vacation or for an older relative who is hard to shop for.

There is a large selection of antique quilts for sale, but my sit-n-sew was disappointed. We wanted fabric, not finished quilts, no matter how beautiful they were.

Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts, Amana Colonies, Iowa

Then we found the staircase to the second floor and everything changed. The home decor items that looked like something my grandmother would appreciate gave way to modern, graphic prints unlike any I have ever seen stocked in the Midwest.

And there are rooms and rooms of batiks, with the rainbow of color just wrapping around the walls and tables filled with fat quarter and yard cuts for easy shopping. Angela especially likes those, carrying them around while I browsed the fabric selections.

Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts, Amana Colonies, Iowa

What you can’t tell from the first floor is just how expansive the second floor quilt shop is. It just keeps going and going, wrapping around to what must have been servants quarters years ago. And every bolt is more beautiful from the last. I could have easily gotten into quite a bit of trouble shopping here. But with one stop left to go, I restrained myself.

Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts is located at Fern Hill Gifts and Quilts, 103 220th Trail, South Amana, IA. Just off of I-80, the Amana Colonies was founded as a group of settlements of German Pietists in the mid-1800s. They were self-supported for nearly 80s years until the Great Depression. Today it is known as a tourist destination with craft shops, wineries and historic landmarks. Click here to read more.

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