After quilt retreat: Lonestar

My lonestar also did not receive that much love and attention at quilt retreat. I did manage to nearly finish the appliqued leaves on two of the background squares. But I still have to applique all of the flowers which take about an hour each to complete. I pinned the sections up on my design […]

Before quilt retreat: Lonestar

I’m leaving for quilt retreat as soon as I publish this post and I can’t wait. But I wanted to share one more project I’ll be working on with you all, my lonestar quilt. The star center is done, and I’ve been stuck on the applique background for a while. I’m sewing it by hand, […]

Before quilt retreat: Christmas New York Beauty

I’m headed to quilt retreat on Thursday. It’s four glorious days of quilting, eating and sleeping. It’s a great opportunity to make significant progress on projects. I started a New York Beauty quilt in Christmas fabrics last fall at retreat and haven’t worked on it much since. This week I hope to get one half […]

After quilt retreat: New York Beauty

Most of my time at quilt retreat was taken up by the paper pieced Christmas tree skirt. But I did manage to get some work done on my New York Beauty quilt. I finished four more blocks for a total of 12 completed. That’s nowhere near the 32 I hoped to have finished by now, […]

Quilt show in the bunk room

One’s choice of bedding at quilt retreat is a very important choice. I’m sure there are posh quilt retreats where everyone has their own room in hotel-like fashion. But at my Guild’s retreat, we all share bunk rooms and the quilts that adorn them are on display for everyone to see. It is like a mini […]

Stunning Christmas tree skirt in batiks

I LOVE batiks. I can’t get enough of them. So I was in heaven when the benefactor for the Mississippi Valley Quilt Guild suggested buying fabric from to make Judy Niemeyer’s Christmas Celebration Tree Skirt. The benefactor business, Quilting By-You in Bettendorf, Iowa, is purchasing the fabric and donating the quilting for the tree […]

Quilt retreat to-do list

If you ask my grandma, she thinks I sew all day long. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. The business end of running a quilting blog tends eat up more time than sewing and you’re usually more likely to find me in front of a computer than the sewing machine. But that is going to change […]

Quilt retreat progress report

I had hoped to write a triumphant post today about how much I got done at Quilt Retreat last weekend. Unfortunately that’s not the case. While I normally can accomplish more in one four-day weekend of uninterrupted sewing than I can in a month of distracted craft time at home, my weekend was anything but […]