Quilt retreat progress report
I had hoped to write a triumphant post today about how much I got done at Quilt Retreat last weekend. Unfortunately that’s not the case.
While I normally can accomplish more in one four-day weekend of uninterrupted sewing than I can in a month of distracted craft time at home, my weekend was anything but uninterrupted.
The child care I had arranged for Angela fell through, so she spent several hours with me on Friday and Saturday while my husband was at work. While I love seeing her, and she loved playing with my fabric scraps, my productivity pretty much came to a halt after 3 p.m. on those days. I also didn’t realize that I hadn’t put the first pieced border on the yellow and blue version of this quilt, so getting that together took the majority of the first day of retreat.
So my grand plan of coming home with two king-sized quilt tops, all the blocks finished for my New York Beauty and a new pattern sample went to hell. Instead I managed to finish all the blocks for the borders of the two colorways from the 2014 BOM. I had three done from each month that I made while teaching, but needed eight. I also started putting the borders on one of the quilts before it was time to pack up Sunday afternoon.
I’ve got a date with a longarm rental on Thursday, so I’ll be spending the beginning of the week getting these quilt tops together so I can load one one and get started finishing it.
I’ll need to find another time to finish the new pattern sample and give my New York Beauty some love. I haven’t touched it in a year-and-a-half, so it probably feels pretty neglected. But even though I didn’t get as much done as I wanted, I was still very grateful to be able to spend some time with my quilting friends, get inspired by the projects they were working on and get a little time away for me.
What did you all work on last weekend? Did you get as much accomplished as you wanted to?