Quilt retreat is coming!
In two days I’ll be on my way to Quilt Retreat in rural DeWitt, Iowa, for four days of quilting, eating and sleeping. That’s it. There’s no laundry to do, dogs to let out, kitchens to paint. Just quilt, eat and sleep. It makes for a glorious and productive weekend.
I’m also really excited because my aunt is coming with on this retreat. She lives in the Chicago suburbs and I live three hours away in the Quad-Cities. I didn’t start quilting until long after I had moved away, so we’ve never gotten to sew together. We’ve just showed off our projects when we got together. So I’m really looking forward to quilting with her this weekend.
This is my fifth quilt retreat. The first time I went, my husband asked if I was leaving him because I was taking so much stuff. Now I know how to pack a little more compactly. Each of the projects I’m bringing is in its own separate plastic tub and most of the cooking will be done ahead of time, so I’ll only need to bring a crock pot and bag of ingredients to put in it.
Since I seem to have a form of quilter’s ADD and can’t work on one project for four days straight without getting bored, I’m bringing one project for each day.
Day one is my Christmas New York Beauty. I started it last year’s spring retreat and have worked on it here and there since then. I only have 18 blocks done and I’m hoping to add at least eight to that total on Thursday.
Day two will be my triangle boot camp class sample. I’m hoping to finish piecing the top while I’m at retreat, so I can quilt it and get it to Neal’s Vacuum and Sewing Center by the beginning of April.
Day three will be baby items for my Etsy shop and a craft fair I’m selling at next weekend. I’ll be making a bunch of cloth diapers, burp cloths and wet bags.
Day four is a half-day, so I think I’m going to devote it to the applique in the background squares of my lonestar quilt. This is another project that has been in progress for a while, because I don’t work on it consistently. That’s because while I enjoy hand applique, it’s not something I want to do every night. But I can do it for about four hours on Sunday morning.
If your aunt is coming, does that mean we need to behave? The monkeys have not been briefed if they need to behave….. 🙂
Wow—some amazing projects in process! I love your triangle bootcamp quilt and that Lonestar is amazing! Good luck getting it all accomplished!
I am so glad to hear I am not the only one with quilter’s ADD! I work on something, all the while looking at another project I want to start! Of course, I also have a leader and ender quilt going as well, so I am working on two quilts at once! LOL