Ready or not
There is a pretty good chance I’m going to have the baby early, possibly today or tomorrow even.
About a week ago my blood pressure spiked. It wasn’t so high to induce before I was full term, but it was high enough to have me work from home for the rest of the pregnancy. See my assistant below, she’s taking all my calls and used her first paycheck to get a desperately needed haircut.
While I’m pretty close to the end of my pre-maternity leave to-do list at work, I’m nowhere near complete on all my sewing tasks for the nursery. Still a little advance warning that this baby may be coming sooner rather than later, combined with getting to have my feet up all day as I work from the couch, has meant I’ve been able to sew without discomfort.
Normally by the time I get home my feet are so swollen they look like they belong on a body that’s been floating in the lake for a week or two. Sitting down and sewing is out of the question.
But after just one day with my feet up, I was able to knock out the last couple dozen soakers I had left for the cloth diapers. While I finished the covers weeks ago at quilt retreat, the soakers are an incredibly essential part of the cloth diaper that I really needed to finish before we have the baby. The soakers are made from microfiber terrycloth and diaper flannel and are what goes in the back elastic pocket to hold in all the moisture so the diaper doesn’t leak. And I needed to make four dozen of them. One for each cloth diaper and a dozen extra so I can stuff an extra soaker in for overnight use.
My neighbor lent me her serger for the task, but first I had to get the hang of that machine. I’ve never used one before, this model was made before the automatic threader was invented and the soakers are incredibly thick, all of which made the process harder than it had to be.
But once I figured out how to quickly rethread the machine, tweezers are your friend, and the best order to sew the sides in so the soaker wouldn’t come out a wonky shape as the layers shifted, there’s no walking foot on a serger, I was good to go. If I have a little girl I’m definitely going to want to get one of these for myself. But we’ll wait and see on that one, possibly not too much longer.
So now all the diapers are neatly arranged in the drawer of the changing table, pre-stuffed with soakers and ready to go on my baby whenever he or she gets here. My sister, whose own baby turns one this month, said I should take a photo, because they will never look this neat and organized again. She’s probably right.
I’m so excited for you Steph! Keep those feet up and enjoy a couple of quiet days!