Tutorial: Make a pillowcase with French seams

When I first learned how to make pillowcases I used a one-sheet handout with black and white photos. It was very difficult to understand, especially the part about rolling the fabric up. So I’ve created this video tutorial for you to learn how to use this technique to make pillowcases from your favorite novelty fabric, sports team, cartoon character or just with leftover fabric to match your latest quilt.

Don’t let the French seams scare you away. It sounds fancy, but it really is pretty easy and I’ll walk you through it step-by-step. Then you won’t need a serger to create pillowcases and your finished look will be more professional than pillowcases you can buy in the store. Have fun!

Supply list for one pillowcase:

3/4 yard of 45-inch wide fabric for the main fabric for the pillowcase body

9-inch by 45-inch wide fabric strip for the pillowcase sleeve

2.5-inch by 45-inch wide fabric strip folded in half and press flat along the length of the strip

Thread to match

Sewing machine

Rotary cutter

Cutting mat

6 x 24-inch ruler

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Comment (2)

  1. Thank you for this tutorial! I occasionally teach sewing at a craft store near my home, and one of the classes I teach is a pillowcase. While I do teach the French seam for the edges, I have never thought about enclosing the cuff the way you did. I have either taught my students to overlock or bind that raw edge. This is a major paradigm shift for me. I can’t thank you enough.


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