Block of the Month December Part Two – Putting it all together

Here it is, the final video tutorial for the 2015 Quilt Addicts Anonymous Block of the Month. In today’s tutorial I show you how to put the blocks together into setting triangles that form the corners of the quilt, and how to attach them to the center medallion we finished in May.

December 2015 Part 2

If you haven’t already, click here to download your free printable instructions for December. It includes instructions for the December block of the month, a layout diagram for the corners and the quilt assembly diagram. You’ll need it to make sure all the blocks end up in the right place.

BOM Quilt 2016

Thank you so much for following along with the 2015 Block of the Month. If you enjoyed it, please click here to sign up for the 2016 Block of the Month. The patterns will be free if you download them on the Quilt Addicts Anonymous website, or $1 per month if you download them on Craftsy. There are also kits available for pre-order and you don’t pay until they ship, so you can wait until after your wallet has recovered from holiday shopping to pay.

Happy Quilting!

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Comment (9)

  1. I good morning, just tryed to download the instructions for the final assembly all the quilt together and it say error do not exist or as been moved. Please help me understand. Thanak you.Have a nice day.

  2. almost done 2015 quilt turn out pretty nice it is for my daughter-in-law and my son they live with us so she has watch it from start to finished can not wait for the next one Bev love to send you a picture but do not have acanma

    1. Hay una colección peor. Hay una web por ahí donde puedes comprar una muñeca de caucho tamaño persona para hacer con ella … lo que se te ocurra.Pude ver la página y daba escooafríls.

    2. KatarinaMen detta stämmer inte alls. Det handlar inte om praktik på gymnasiet, och huvudsyftet är inte att locka folk till N och T-programmen. Det är en möjlighet att testa på ingenjörsyrket under 4 månader genom betald praktik med syfte att öka intresset för ingenjörsutbildningar.7 april, 2012 klockan 05:58


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