Dare to DIY: Homemade gifts
My friend Kim Woodward is hosting a Dare to DIY blog party over at NewlyWoodwards.com. This week the challenge is to make homemade gifts.
Over the weekend I whipped up some Christmas stockings for my sister, brother-in-law and new nephew. When my sister asked for stockings I reminded her that I still haven’t made stockings for my husband, the dogs and myself. But I made these anyway and they’ll be delivered this week so they’ll have them before Christmas.
I still have a few more homemade gifts to make this weekend and then maybe I’ll get to stockings for my family.
Do you also put hand crafted items for others ahead of of projects for yourself?
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Always put others’ gifts before us, because I’m always trying to cram it all in. Haha!
These are great. Now, you need to make some for your family!
Thanks for linking up!
I’m planning on having a sewing marathon this weekend. So hopefully I can get to the stockings this weekend. 🙂
I just whipped up some stockings myself. I’m getting dangerous with the sewing machine. I’m liking your fabric selection!
Thank you. I actually wasn’t really happy with the Christmas fabric lines this year. A lot of the prints were really bright.
Love your site. You are so informative and your instructions are very easy to understand. I too am in the process of making a stocking for a new grandbaby. Have seven already lined up on the mantel. I am also making a T-shirt quilt for a friend and all your information really came in handy. Your site is going down as one of my favorites. Happy sewing!!!!