Sewing room to nursery: To-do list
The big day is just five weeks away – that is if my little guy or girl decides to arrive on time – and I still have a lot of nursery sewing to do.
I’ve already gotten quite a bit done, but I still have a ways to go until the room and all my sewing projects are complete.
First and foremost, I need to finish serging about three dozen soakers to go inside the cloth diapers I made. This is pretty essential as the soakers are what catches and holds the moisture and keeps the diapers from leaking all over. I’ve borrowed my neighbor’s serger for the task and have figured out how to use it, which is half the battle. Now I just need to buckle down and get sewing.
The rest of my to-do list remains unchanged from the last time I posted about my nursery progress. That needs to change quickly.
Make puppy crib quilt
Sew valances
Sew crib skirt
Make bobby covers to match the nursery decor
Make fabric baskets for the cube shelf that will double as toy box/book shelfPaint the nurseryGet new carpet
Recover the rocking chair cushionSet up the nursery