Burst Block of the Month Blocks 1A & 1B video tutorial

Join the new Burst Block of the Month program from Quilt Addicts Anonymous featuring Clothworks Fresh Batiks.

The finished quilt measures 72-inches square. Instructions are included for an optional border to increase the size to 84-inches square.

The quilt may look difficult, but if you can sew a half-square triangle, you can complete this quilt. The complicated look comes from the setting and color changes, not the techniques used to make it. You will be able to watch free HD video tutorials on how to make each block, so you can follow along and see exactly how to make the quilt.

The book includes full-color step-by-step instructions from cutting through final assembly. There are separate sections for the light and dark versions, making it easy to follow along no matter which version you are making.

Click here to get the pattern book: http://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product/burst-block-of-the-month-pattern-book/

Click here to sign up to know when the next BOM sign up happens so you can get the fabrics in monthly installments:

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