We’ve quietly launched our new website, Quilt Addicts Anonymous Academy. This is a new website that contains more than 100 COMMERCIAL FREE quilting and sewing courses.
We’re really excited about all the features, including the ability to easily find the patterns you want to learn to make, keep track of your progress, attend live virtual events and chat with other quilters in our forum.
But we had a few questions about how to use it, so I recorded a video today that walks you through the features of the new site, and shows you where to create a new account, how to add courses to your cart and use coupons.
We hope you really enjoy it!
Visit Quilt Addicts Anonymous Academy: https://academy.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/
0:00 – Introduction
0:27 – Welcome to Quilt Addicts Anonymous Academy
0:57 – Navigating the Home Page
1:18 – Searching for a Course
1:57 – Navigating the Individual Courses
5:44 – How to Purchase a Course and Apply a Coupon
7:10 – Blogs
8:06 – Events
9:30 – Forums
10:20 – Logging in/Managing Your Account
13:07 – Moving Forward