Strip Pieced Quilt Perfect for Showing Off Fabrics! Dot Dash from Fat Quarter Patchwork Quilts

My third book, “Fat Quarter Patchwork Quilts”, is officially here and we’re celebrating with a tutorial of Dot Dash, one of the patterns I designed exclusively for the book.

This is the quilt that has been in the right corner of my video for the past month or so. You all have been asking about it and now you can make it yourself when you grab a signed copy of my new book!

The original was made in a Shell Rummel collection, and we won’t have more of her fabric in stock until early 2022. But we remade it in Spooky and Sweeter from Art Gallery Fabrics and it turned out so cute.

Dot Dash just does such a good job of showing off pretty fabrics, that I think it would look great in just about anything as long you use a light value fabric for the background and medium/dark prints for the fat quarters.

As you’ll see in the video, while it looks like there’s a lot of tiny pieces to cut for this quilt, it is almost entirely strip pieced. So we can create all the smaller squares and rectangles very efficiently and quickly.

My team got the top together in about a week and I quilted it in an afternoon, so there is hope of finishing it before Halloween this year!

Products we used:
Fat Quarter Patchwork Quilts:
Dot Dash Quilt Kit:
Spooky ‘n Sweeter by AGF Studios for Art Gallery Fabrics:

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