Listen to Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill and Swan Sheridan on Sit & Sew Radio


Quilt Addicts Anonymous also has a podcast! Go check out Episode 23 of Sit & Sew Radio.

We’ve got two quilt pattern designers on today, and one of them is still working a day job while building her business. I was in that position just six months ago, so if there are any aspiring professional quilters out there, you’ve got to listen today to get some tips and tricks on how to break into the business.

Our first guest is Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill, Craftsy’s first Quilt Design Fellow. She started quilting four years ago, and started winning awards for her designs right away. She has a background in graphic design and brings her training and experience with color, grids and design to create some truly stunning modern quilt designs. She is using her Quilt Design Fellowship to help launch her pattern design company Whole Circle Studios. I put her patterns up on before Thanksgiving and they are already really popular.

Then you’ll want to stick around to listen to Swan Sheridan, the creative force behind Swan Amity. Swan love, love, loves appliqué, her designs are super cute and most can be completed by someone with intermediate appliqué skills. And the best part is she hand draws these beautiful appliqué designs even though she was told she had no artistic talent and shouldn’t take art classes in high school. So that just goes to show you that you can make beautiful quilting designs even if you were kicked out of art class in school.

Click here to listen.

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