Step one: Admit you have a problem …

Antique Sewing Machine, Quilt Addicts Anonymous

Last weekend I packed up just about every quilting and sewing-related object in my house and loaded it up into a U-haul and the back of my mini van to get ready for the move to my new studio/quilt shop. If you missed that fun announcement, make sure to check out Episode 24 of Sit & Sew Radio to hear all about it.

The problem with moving your quilting stuff, is you realize you may have a problem when all the furniture, inventory and other random bits fills up a U-haul, minivan and still requires a second trip after the first load is emptied. Now I can justify this somewhat because I’m not your average quilter. I have an online store with lots of inventory that takes up a lot of room.

But not everything can be swept under the rug of, well I have a quilting business, so it’s OK. Here’s an example …

I’ve been collecting antique sewing cabinets and the machines that go in them for years. At some point I realized my husband would not approve of bringing home yet another sewing machine that would be purely decorative, and started hiding my finds. This took some coordination, especially when pouncing on Craigslist deals I didn’t want to miss out on.

One time while he slept in on a Saturday and my daughter napped, I spotted a treadle I just had to have, responded to the ad, got cash from the ATM, picked up the cabinet and machine, unloaded it by myself and hid it in the garage. All without him knowing. The plan was to take the machine out of the cabinet, making both easier to sneak into the basement when he left for work later that night.

I thought for sure my cover was blown when he came out early and saw me in the garage. We had an entire conversation and he didn’t notice the machine. My mistake came when he got home early and instead of getting the cabinet downstairs, I had spent hours researching its manufacture date to see if it was worth anything. I was busted.

But while I was caught that time, I have successfully employed such maneuvers many times before. Which leads me to packing up the U-haul.

Me: I think I have a problem. Husband: Admitting it is the first step. Me: There are still two more.

A photo posted by Stephanie De Pasquale-Soebbing (@quiltaddictsanonymous) on

Not wanting my precious antique sewing machines to bang around in the U-haul, I decided to nestle them safely in the trunk of the van. It was the perfect spot. I could line them all up and the length of the machines perfectly matched the depth of the trunk. Everything was going great until I brought out yet another sewing machine from the depths of the basement and my husband asked where I was going to put it. Well, the trunk of course. Nope, the trunk was already full of sewing machines. … And I still had three more stashed away.

So here’s the final count, now that I have been forced to add up the evidence of my problem.

Antique sewing machines: Nine

Antique sewing cabinets: Seven

And I’m still on the hunt for two more machines … because every window of the new studio needs at least two.

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Comment (5)

  1. Lol. My husband would be thrilled if he could move my “problem” to another place! I have three working machines (only because I gave one to a young lady in need). Two sergers, and two old machines from the 70s in cabinets that don’t work. One is the perfect hight for the TV in our room. The other is being used as a computer desk!

    He would also be agreeable to selling my stash online. But, alas he’s an enabler. He keeps me well stocked in gift cards from joanns. I love that man! Take care.

  2. I think I have you beat… Last count, I think, from the treadles (at least 3) to the Singer 404s, 301 and featherweights, to the computerized Viking, I’m on #18…. Ya, I suppose I have a problem, but when I go to estate auctions and nobody wants the beautiful 1950’s machine, I bid $1 and bring her home! LOL!

  3. I have downloaded the pattern for Olfa 35th Anniversary block, and it appears to be a paper piece that correct?

  4. I am so busting a gut right now, because I’m in the same category as you. And my DH is pulling out the rest of what hair he has because of my addiction. Carry on girls, and let that stash of machines and fabric grow!!????


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