Sit & Sew Radio Episode 39: Darlene & Andy Girton, the Featherweight Doctors

For Episode 39 of Sit & Sew Radio, a Quilt Addicts Anonymous podcast, we are excited to have Darlene and Andy Girton of as our guests. This husband and wife turned their passion for Singer Featherweights into a business in which they buy and restore the fabled workhorse sewing machines. They restore the machines to their original beauty or if you want something a little funkier, can create some pretty crazy finishes as well.

We also give you a behind-the-scenes look into what Stephanie Soebbing is up to at the moment. Which basically is lots and lots of filming video tutorials for Dimensions – the 2018 Quilt Addicts Anonymous Block of the Month. Click here to read more about Dimensions and to sign up. Sign-ups are open through the end of January and the first of 11 blocks, along with the pattern book, will be shipped in February.

Click here to listen to Episode 39 of Sit & Sew Radio.


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