Vlog: Moving our shop into our dining room to shelter in place … We are still shipping!

As of 5 p.m. last night Illinois is a shelter in place state and all residents are to stay in their homes and non-essential businesses are to close for two weeks starting tomorrow.

We got a heads up that this was coming late last Thursday night and immediately put into motion efforts that will allow us to keep shipping to you through this time. We turned on the cameras as we prepped to take you along with our journey.

Working in conjunction with our fabulous fabric manufacturers and distributors, we were able to place orders for the next month of video tutorial projects and have them shipped to our home. That way we can keep operating during this time, while following the order to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

So for the next few weeks we’ll be operating from our dining room. That’s where Quilt Addicts Anonymous got started five years ago, and we cut a lot of fabric on folding tables until we were able to rent a commercial space three years ago.

We are located in Rock Island, IL, about three hours from Chicago. There are no confirmed COVID-19 cases in our county, but we have been behaving as though there are to be safe.

My husband Adam and I have been prepping for this for weeks, slowly building up our supply of food so that we do not have to leave the house for any reason. We also closed our brick and mortar shop a week ago and have kept staff at home to keep them, and you, safe. The only person we’ve seen is the mailman, and even he wasn’t allowed in the shop.

We are very fortunate to have grown a large enough online audience to be able to survive this time, but not be so large that Adam and I can’t handle this with some long hours and perseverance.

We appreciate your support at this time. Stay safe, wash your hands and happy quilting … especially now that you have a ton of time to work on all those stash quilts!

Check out more from Quilt Addicts Anonymous …
Blog/tutorials: https://www.quiltaddictsanonymous.com
Online quilt shop: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com
Brick and mortar quilt shop: Quilt Addicts Anonymous, 3416 46th Ave., Suite 103, Rock Island, IL 61201
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quiltaddictsanonymous
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quiltaddictsanonymous
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/quiltaablog/

Music: Hope for Humanity – Rangecroft and Strong and Courageous – Rangecroft from Epidemic Sound

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