Christmas Lights Free Motion Quilting Stencil Tutorial! Quiltmas in July 2022

We’re transitioning into holiday designs for free motion quilting for our Quiltmas in July tutorial series. We thought we’d share these designs with you early so you have plenty of time to actually finish your holiday quilts before Christmas Eve this year!

First up is a replay of our Christmas Lights tutorial from last year. This super simple design uses a figure eight motion to create a Christmas light bulb that meanders across your quilt.

It isn’t hard to master and it looks great as an all-over design on holiday quilts. I recommend grabbing a stencil and a blue and pink pounce pad, so your chalk will show up on any fabric in any light.

If free motion quilting is new to you, we have a 31-lesson Intro to Quilting course that you can watch for free! We do have quilt and stencil kits that you can purchase to use as you master four basic quilting stitches and learn how to alter them to create a new look every time you quilt.

Learn more about the course here:

Products we used:
Pounce Pad:
Retro Tiles pattern:
All layer cakes:
Solid Fabrics:

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