May 2015 Block of the Month

Welcome back to the Quilt Addicts Anonymous Block of the Month. This month we will finish the center medallion of the quilt.

I’m splitting the May tutorial into two parts. Above you can see the instructions for making the cornerstones that cap off the pieced border. Below is a second video that will teach you how to put the border together and then to properly measure your quilt center to cut your solid borders.

There are just four little blocks to make, so if you’re still working on your picket fence border units from last month, you should be able to finish those up and get your borders on this month.

The pattern is now available for free in the patterns section of my website. Just click here to download yours.

May large

One note, you need to create an account in order to download patterns. It’s free to create one. But signing up for email updates and creating an account are two different processes. So if you’re having trouble signing in, there is a good chance that you don’t have an account and still need to create one.

If you did create an account and are still having trouble. just shoot me an email at

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Comment (34)

    1. Thank you for your question, I’ve got a three part answer. First, I didn’t leave Craftsy, you can still download the patterns there if you prefer.

      Second, I have invested a lot of time and money into creating content for this site that I think you’ll love and I want to keep all my readers here to take advantage of the patterns, tutorials and quilting news.

      Third, keeping more people on my site means more revenue in the form of ads, affiliate sales and patterns. I made the move to running this site full time, and in addition to paying a mortgage and all the other regular bills, it costs quite a bit just to run the website. For example, it costs $250 a month just to send emails and that’s going to go up soon as the website continues to grow. Increasing revenue is critical to being able to continue to offer free patterns and tutorials.

      I don’t think it is too much to ask to sign up for a free account in order to download a free quilting pattern and watch a free video. I hope you sign up for one and continue to enjoy all the free quilting advice and projects I have to offer.

      1. I understand why you moved to your own site. My thing was when you have gone out and bought all this fabric then you go to the same place for several months now to get a pattern. Then bam no warning it just doesn’t show up and is still not in crafty. So you sit here for a couple of days getting scared you can’t finish your quilt you have put so much time and money in. I do thank you for the email letting me know about your site and that I can get it from there.

  1. I tried to log in for the block of the month. I get your e-mails. I do not know if I have an account and could not find a place to create an account. Please help.

  2. I must not be awake enough yet. I can’t see where I’m supposed to register.

    I already have a Craftsy account for this sort of thing.

    Another account, another password…and I’m already signed up for the newsletter. If I need to register a new account, then I won’t need the newsletter.


    1. You can create an account at this link or when you check out to download the pattern.

      As far as creating an account, please take a look at my reply to cybcrystal for a more detailed explanation of why I now offer pattern downloads on my website in addition to Craftsy. I hope you’ll find that creating a free account, to download a free pattern and watch a free video isn’t too much trouble in order to help me be able to provide quilting tutorials, videos and patterns for free.

      But if you decide one more account is too much work to get free stuff, then please hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email to remove yourself from my email list.

  3. Ditto on the three previous comments…..
    How do I sign up for an account, and will I be able to save/transfer Jan, Feb, March, and April patterns to this account on your site when I do create an account?

    1. I’m sorry you’re having trouble downloading the pattern. You can create an account at this link: or when you check out. If you would like to have all the patterns in one place, just add the previous months patterns to your cart and they will all be saved under the My Account tab. If you have any more questions feel free to email me at

      To get to the pattern download page, just click where it says “click here” or on the photo of this month’s block. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me at

      1. Thanks Stephanie. I got it figured out now. I was confused since it sent me to the order page but just followed along and went to My Accounts. There it was hurray!

  4. I created an account. I tried to proceed to checkout and got a page where I need to fill in a lot of details. I’m not going to fill in all those details if I don’t need to.

    How do I just get to the free BOM for May? Is it a pdf somewhere on this site?

    I’m trying to do what you want, but it’s getting frustrating now.

    Are the pdf’s sent to our email address?


    1. I replied to your email about this topic but I’ll do it here too. I’m sorry you continued to have issues. From the back end of the website it looks like you succeeded in creating and account but not in placing an order which is why there is not a pattern download in the My Account section. You have to complete the checkout process and fill in all those details even though the pattern is free. That is how the website knows to send you an email with a link to the PDF and save the PDF in the My Account section.

  5. I just went to Craftsy and downloaded the May block in about 5 seconds.

    Not sure what I’m doing wrong trying to download it from here. Created an account, tried to use the “checkout”, ended up ordering at least 3, went to “my account” and nothing shows up there.

    Oh well.


    1. As I said in the last reply, from the back end of the website there are no orders associated with your account. So you did not successfully complete your order. Once you fill in all the order details then the patterns will be sent your email and appear in your account.

      1. As I said, I’m not going to fill in all those fields with my personal information.

        I guess I could fill them with false information, and then try again to “complete the order”.


  6. Yup, completely fake and incomplete information works, and the order was finally completed.


  7. trying to download may block of the month messed up my computer–like craftsy better–won’t do this again

    1. You’re certainly free to download the block on Craftsy, but I want you to know that the exact same file is posted to this website as Craftsy and I have a sophisticated security service constantly monitoring my computer and website for anything fishy. So there is nothing wrong with file or the website. I am sorry you found it difficult.

  8. hi, i registered and found it easier getting to the block here than going through craftsy, thanks,,love this quilt.,

  9. Once I signed up for a new account, downloading was super simple. Just a click and a save as and the pattern is on my computer and in My Account. I love not having to go through Craftsy to get my patterns. Although it might seem a little confusing to find the set up new account page, it isn’t difficult. Thanks for making all of your patterns available in one spot without having to search through a zillion patterns for a missed one. Love this pattern and appreciate all you have put into making it easy for us to watch, get, and do!!!

  10. Stephanie the new room looks great! Hope the videos for this quilt will stay up for a while because I am having life take up my time right now. Hope to get going in June. Thanks for your work!

  11. Thank you for these beautiful free quilting patterns. I am excited about this BOM! Keep up the great work!

  12. Love the free videos and patterns for Calypso Kaleidoscope. I am new to your site. Are the fabric kits still available? The site posted no longer comes up. Can’t find all the fabrics online. Help, please

  13. Stephanie could you please send me the link to reset my password on your site? I seem to have misplaced my password and can’t find a way to reset it. Thank you so much and I love your patterns.

  14. I just want to thank you for all of the free patterns and tutorials that you offer. Being on a fixed income, I depend on the “freebies” to make things for my family for birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas as well as gifts for friends and for myself! I have no problem having to register on your site and sign up for the newsletter. I think it’s the least I can do for all that you offer. To make it easier on myself since I belong to so many sites and groups, I use the same username and password for all of them. Any site that I don’t have to enter any payment info on, I do that to make it easier on myself to remember rather than trying to have different ones for every different site.
    Thank you again for all that you offer!


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