How to make hexies with English Paper Piecing

Hexies are all the rage right now. They make for a fun portable project that you can sew just about everywhere. You just make up a bunch of hexies ahead of time throw them in a bag with a needle, thread and a thimble and you can spend idle time at the doctor, salon or airport just sewing away.

In today’s video tutorial I show you how to prep your hexies and sew them together in a grandmother’s flower garden pattern. When I started this project several years ago I was basting each one with thread. … Not fun … It was torture on my hands. Then I discovered Sewline Glue Pens. They’re awesome. You can use it to baste the fabric to the templates in about a minute and when you’re done you just pop the templates out and you’re good to go. It is so much easier on your fingers than getting a needle through the cardstock template.

I hope you enjoy today’s tutorial and use it to get your own portable sewing project going.

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Comment (4)

  1. Thank you so much for the tutorial on English Paper Piecing. I learned three new methods which I will immediately use. First was using the template to cut the hexie shape. I had a plastic template and with a rotary cutter had spent too much time and effort cutting my fabric. Your way was so much easier. Second, the glue stick method, love it. No basting, wonderful. Third, the quilter’s knot. Had never seen it done and while watching your tutorial practice making several. Your tutorial on English Paper Piecing was the best I have seen. A couple of years ago I needed to find a project for my mother to do while convalescing from surgery. She always like to keep busy and she made oodles of hexies. We started putting them together but sadly she passed away last year. I have a small tin filled with the hexies she made and until watching your tutorial I couldn’t bring myself to do anything with them. Took the tin out and starting sewing them together. Hopefully, I can finish the project she wanted to complete which was applique the hexie flowers onto a squares to make a quilt for my niece who took care of her while she was ill. Must confess, a few tears were shed, but so many memories came forth that made me smile so it was a good thing. Again, thank you. I really enjoy watching the tutorials you have made. You make everything look so easy. Take care and God bless you in all you do.

  2. I watched your video, and many others,
    But when you have completed the size of quilt that you want, how do you finish off the end pieces that still have the paper template inside of them?

  3. I am trying to order the Nexus supplies. I can’t get the credit card to open up from the information to order please send me your phone number so I can place the order,. Please help !!! Thank you. You have a great quilting site, very helpful !!!!


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