Planting Spring Bulbs in Pots! Lasagne Container Gardening – Behind the Scenes Vlog

Hello all! I figured with the baby coming soon and it might be fun to show you all a little behind the scenes look at what I do when I’m not sewing up a storm and creating all the YouTube quilting tutorials you all enjoy.

Last weekend I gave Lasagne Container Gardening a try, which is basically a fun term for planting spring bulbs in layers in a pot and then they are supposed to come up like an amazing colorful spring bouquet in a few months.

Depending on the size of your pot you can have two to three layers of bulbs. Each layer consists of potting mix, bulb starter and, of course, the bulbs. You start with the largest bulbs on bottom, planting them pointy side up and work your way up to the smallest ones on top.

So rather than work on the baby’s quilt, or taking down Christmas decorations, I took my 5-year-old to the garden center, loaded up on spring bulbs and gave it a go. I can’t wait to see what these look like in spring!

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Comment (3)

  1. Really liked this video about Lasagna Container Gardening. Good luck getting everything else done before the baby arrives..

  2. Have not heard of lasagna gardening! I like that! I will try this next year. It’s probably too late to do it down south where I am!

  3. loved hearing all about what happens when not quilting and working. thank you for the gardening lesson. I think I will try it, and since I have to go shopping today, what good luck I watched the tutorial—.


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