Hearts Meander Free Motion Quilting Tutorial using Full Line Stencil

It’s been a minute since we did a free motion quilting tutorial on a home sewing machine. But we just did a MAJOR restock on all of our Full Line Stencil free motion quilting supplies, so we thought now was the perfect time!

Today we are working with the new I Love It! stencil which has a really cute heart meander pattern. It would be so cute for a Valentine’s Day quilt, or just a quilt for someone you love.

I cover how to use the stencil and pounce pad to transfer the markings to your quilt top. How to break the meander down into manageable pieces, where to place your hands and match up the stencil so you can have a seamless all over heart quilting design.

You are going to see me quilt a pass in real time from the same angle I see. I hope that really helps you realize that I really take my time, break it up into manageable bits and don’t stress about being off of the lines, because the lines are going away.

I want these videos to inspire you to try something new and give free motion quilting a go on your home sewing machine. It’s super fun, and will allow you to finish more quilts!

Watch all the quilting video tutorials: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-noqoeaGWzaWP9mjboFYxJmVzWdO2Fzx

Supplies we used:
I Love It! stencil by Anne Bright #60036: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product/full-line-stencil-i-love-it-by-anne-bright-60036/
Pounce Pad: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/product-tag/quilt-pounce-pad/?orderby=date
Machingers Quilting Gloves: https://shop.quiltaddictsanonymous.com/?term=&s=machingers&post_type=product&taxonomy=product_cat

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